

2014 Year in Review

Around this time last year, I set a goal for myself: one new addition (either a finished build/custom or a vehicle review) to the site every Wednesday and one new video every Sunday. It wasn't always smooth sailing, but thanks to help from my "home team" (especially Mary for her behind-the-scenes efforts) it actually panned out. Coincidentally, the video posted today made #100 to my YouTube channel:

The models finished this year were the Mospeada Ride Armor, Kamen Rider Hurricane & Cyclone, Finish Line Cobra, Riptide Corvette, Furious 6 Charger Daytona, Lamborghini American Challenge Diablo Roadster, M.A.S.K. Firefly, Blonde Comet racer, Junkman Corvette, Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry Charger, Transformers: Age of Extinction Optimus Prime, Red Line 7000 Ford, Ninja Cheerleaders VW, Automan Autocar, War of the Worlds Monte Carlo, xXx GTO, American Grafitti Deuce Coupe, The Walking Dead chopper, The LEGO Movie Super Cycle, Dukes of Hazzard General Lee, Jack Reacher Chevelle, The Great Escape motorcycle, Transformers G1 Tracks & Road Rage, and Ghostbusters 2 Ecto-1A—26 in all!

As usual, Hollywood provided ups and downs for movie modelers. On the up side, there were plenty of new movies with cool vehicles to enjoy, including Captain America, Transformers: Age of Extinction, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The LEGO Movie, Fury, Need for Speed, 22 Jump Street, and Planes: Fire & Rescue. On the down side, we lost some greats like Harold Ramis, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Shirley Temple, Bob Hoskins, H.R. Giger, Casey Kasem, Ann B. Davis, Bob Hastings, James Garner, Lauren Bacall, Robin Williams, Richard Attenborough, Richard Kiel, Joan Rivers, Elizabeth Peña, and Tom Magliozzi.

During our annual trek to Toy Fair, we saw a continued increase in the rise of construction-related toys, ranging from Goldie Blox's skyrocteing rise to fame to expanded inventories from Revell, Round 2, and Moebius. It was especially nice to see new players like Build & Imagine, Slotto, and Urban Canvas throwing their hats in the ring, each with a unique take on building sets.

We're looking forward to continued growth—both personally and in the hobby world—as we continue into 2015!


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