

Press Release: Candylab Toys Provides Timeless Toys For Men and Boys

The holidays are over and most kids likely received whatever the latest fad happens to be.  Perhaps it's the newest iPad or a walking, talking plush creature, but one thing's for sure: They'll lose interest in it in no time at all, especially when the next model comes out a few months from now.

Enter Candylab Toys, a timeless toy manufacturer of fantastic classic wooden cars that hearken back to when toys had character and could stand the test of time as heirlooms to be passed from one generation to the next. 

Candylab Toys' wooden cars are elegant, durable, and simple, giving children a chance to create their own stories around the objects they play with.  In other words, children can once again use their imaginations!

"I wanted to see children, including my own, return to simplicity when it came to play," said Vlad Dragusin , Founder of Candylab Toys.  "Kids are too distracted by electronics to enjoy straightforward and imaginative toys like our parents and grandparents had.  This is why I started Candylab Toys."

Currently, Candylab Toys offers the following charming wooden car selections:

The Orange GT-10: In a bright orange, race striped livery, it riffs on the pure soul of a classic sports car if there ever was one. They don’t come much more American Muscle than that.

Police Cruiser:  Boxy and assertive, shiny Black-and-White paint scheme, gold star  and with two cherries on top. Making sure racing stays at the track.

Firechief: This is a special limited edition model that conveys some serious four-alarm fun!  Be the chief of the fire house with this hand-painted woodworking masterpiece.

Plum 50: A head turning beauty, draped in a striking color, she will stand out at the track.  Same racing bones as its other brethren, but oh-so-smartly dressed.

For ordering information and to find retailers, please visit


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