

Press Release: Bulk Bricks Outlet Launches Bulk Lego eStore with Special Sale

Bulk Bricks Outlet, a new online store for bulk Lego® and Lego compatible products, announced a special two-month sale to announce the grand opening of its website, Bulk Bricks sells clean, used Lego products in excellent condition. The grand opening sale features 10% off Bulk Bricks' already discounted prices, which are between 30% to 50% off of retail prices for comparable products. The result is a savings of up to 60%. Plus, the grand opening sale includes free shipping on all bulk orders. Bulk Bricks is a family-owned business started by parents of children who are Lego enthusiasts.

"Everyone loves Lego, but no one wants to deal with some of the hassles you can run into when you're looking for a specific piece or a bulk quantity for a special project," said founder Christina, "That's why we started Bulk Bricks Outlet. In a lot of ways, it was a business we really wanted for ourselves, first. We want to help all parents of Lego kids have the most fun without spending too much."

Bulk Bricks solves several common problems faced by consumers trying to find used Lego online, including products being out of stock despite being listed on sites, poor quality or unsanitary used Lego, mismatched product listings and part numbers, and outright scams. Bulk Bricks is able to keep its prices very competitive. All packages are carefully packed to ensure that orders arrive with no damage. All orders are professionally sealed.

The site offers a "Bulk Mix Lot" selection that includes bricks and plates as well as Lego car parts. There is also a "Bulk Single Lot" category that features bricks, slopes, and plates as individual collections. A "Bulk Minifigures" section offers discounted packages of Lego Minifigures and assorted components. Clearance bulk packages are also available.

The sale runs from today through March 31st, 2015. For more information, please visit


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